IT Boxing: Java, JPA and Hibernate vs. ADO.NET and LINQ – 11 December 2007

Bulgarian Association of Software Developers (BASD) invites you to an unusual event: IT Boxing. The dispute topic is ADO.NET Entity Framework + LINQ vs. Java Persistence API and Hibernate. The event will present the state-of-the-art database technologies from the .NET and Java platforms and will discuss which platform is better.
The initiative “IT Boxing Championship” is a series of events at which we invite supporters of different software technologies to an open dispute “Which technology is better?”. At these meetings the adherents of the opposing technologies defend their vision for better technology by presentations, discussions and open debate that ends up in direct fight with inflatable boxing gloves. For each IT boxing event we assign a topic for dispute and teams that stand up for contrary visions. During the fight all contestants are obligated to keep the opponent of injuring.
For more information see the official invitation: IT-Boxing-Databases-11-December-2007/